The Secretary Acting as a Consultant A Market Study on the Image and Positioning of an Educational Unit in Paraiba
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Considering the various competencies that an executive secretary can perform, the role of consultant will take place in this research, since the results evaluated the image and positioning of an Educational Unit. The study aimed to investigate the image and positioning of the Educational Unit considering its potential customers. In order to achieve this goal, a field research under a quantitative approach was performed, through the application of a questionnaire to the potential parents of students who were available in the area of the institution. The data collected were organized into graphs and tables using Word, Excel, and SPSS software as technological tools, which were analyzed under content analysis. In general, the study identified the main preferences of parents when enrolling their children in school, the União school. Hence, the main result found is that the image and positioning in the labour market of the CNEC Educational Unit school need to be ennhanced, since most potential clients do not remember the school, nor do they consider it a priority when they need to enroll their children. Therefore, the market research carried out by the executive secretary acting as a consultant, points out that new strategies should be established by the Educational Unit, aiming to reach its future clients, which they may consider it as a preference and priority to enroll their children.
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