The humor as strategy of satirization of the secretarial daily Tags of genre and gender imbricated in the course “Atención Telefónica”

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Eduardo César Pereira Souza
Karine Freitas Souza


The humor has been issued of research in different areas of the knowledge as Philosophy, Sociology, the Psychoanalysis and the Linguistics, even each goals of studies being differentiated. In the Secretariat field, is common to see through the jokes, cartoons, comic books, and the others, involving the job and/or the secretaries. Considering the affirmatives, is questioned: In the newsletter textual genres, which are the strategies of satirization in the Secretarial daily, noticed since of the connection between humor and gender/genre? The general objective of this work is to know how to establish the construction of the strategies of satirization in the Secretarial daily in “Los trucos de Erika”. The theoretical foundation of the job is ruled in authors as Raskin (1985, 1987, 1991), Propp (1992), Minois (2003), Bergson (2007) etc. About the methodological aspects, the study is qualitative in the approach of the problem, exploratory in the objective and documental for the technical procedures adopted. The corpus is constituted by nine lessons of the course “Atención Telefónica”, received by e-mail, in the newsletter “Los trucos de Erika”, between February 13th and march 9th, 2017, since the cadaster in the Spanish blog “Anécdotas de Secretarias”. Based in the analysis, was possible to verify that the humor strategies departs from the utilization of the symbol-character Erika Martin, from the satires to the behavior of the workers in the offices and in its unfolding with bosses/staff/customers and of the metalanguages as criticize the own practice.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo César Pereira Souza, Universidade Federal do Amapá, UNIFAP

Professor Substituto no curso de Tecnologia em Secretariado da Universidade Federal do Amapá (Unifap). Mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (Unicsul). 

Karine Freitas Souza, Universidade Federal da Bahia, UFBA

Professora Adjunta I da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), atuando no Curso de Secretariado Executivo e no Mestrado Profissional em Segurança Pública, Justiça e Cidadania (PROGESP/UFBA).

Doutora em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).



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