Strategies for Insertion and Permanence in the Information Technology Network
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The purpose of the article is to analyze working configuration in the Information Technology área. It was aimed to identify strategies for insertion and permanence of professionals in the labor market organized in a network. Qualitative methodology using semi-structured interviews with four professionals in the sector was used, being all from the city of Curitiba and Metropolitan Region, state of Paraná, and were analyzed under the Graph Theory and observed the construction of Strong Ties and Weak Ties and the overcoming of Structural Holes. The interviewees selected for the sample present situations that they benefit from through short relational chains, strong ties, and weak ties by emphasizing their professional skills and how they are remembered. It is concluded that the professionals of the sector face forces of supply and demand in a market in which factor of production and exchange goods are considered knowledge, under the constant risk of failure to remain active, based on the availability of opportunity combined with the intensive effort necessary for performance.
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